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safety innovation center e.V. Who? What? How? All information can be found here from today: www.safetyinnovation.center And on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH

Intelligent Rescue in the SmartHome (IRiS)

The aim of the research project “Intelligent Rescue in the Smart Home” (IRiS) is to make SmartHome data and functions usable for civil safety purposes. Partners from civil safety and the SmartHome industry investigate issues relating to technology, deployment tactics, acceptance and data protection. New application possibilities are examined from …

Crisis simulation for the collaboration of emergency forces and the population (TEAMWORK)

The preparation for crisis events is time-consuming and expensive. Modern simulation environments and “serious gaming” open up completely new possibilities. The research project “Crisis simulation for the collaboration of emergency forces and the population” (TEAMWORK) investigates how emergency forces and the population can prepare for crisis events together in a …

Mobile Information System for Process Optimisation in Fire Services and Public Administrations (Mobis Pro)

One of the objectives of the research project “Mobile Information System for Process Optimisation in Fire Services and Public Administrations” (Mobis Pro) is to support fire services in preventive and defensive fire protection. This will enable mobile electronic data collection and improve access to existing data. Emergency personnel on site …