Since March 2019, safety innovation center e.V. is a partner of the EU research project eNOTICE. The project aims to establish a European network of CBRN training, test and demonstration centres. CBRN stands for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards. The task of safety innovation center e.V. is to create a web-based platform (eNOTICE Community Center). This should enable experts to network, make the European CBRN Training Centres with their specific training capacities easier to find and realise the planning and follow-up of joint events (e.g. training exercises).
Further information on the eNOTICE project can be found at https://www.safetyinnovation.center/2019/07/enotice-2/ and on the project website at https://www.h2020-enotice.eu
Image source: eNOTICE Projekt