Can SmartHomes help save lives? The fire departments of Borchen and Paderborn tested this last month as part of the IRiS (“Intelligent Rescue in SmartHome”) project. In the project, partners from civil emergency response, research and the SmartHome industry are jointly investigating how modern technology can help save lives and fight home fires.
The research team of the University of Paderborn – the C.I.K. department (Computer Application and Integration in Construction and Planning) – organized the third practical exercise together with the safety innovation center e.V. and the project partners Symcon GmbH and VOMATEC Innovations GmbH. The aim was to integrate, test and evaluate the functions of the SmartHome into the existing operational procedures. In the training hall of the NRW Fire Brigade Institute in Münster, a practice apartment on the first floor of an apartment building was equipped with SmartHome technology such as motion detectors, networked smoke detectors, switchable windows and cameras. In particular, the fire and smoke simulations in the hall ensured that the participants were able to work through the mission keyword “critical apartment fire” in various variations under almost real conditions with the help of IRiS. On the fire brigade’s tablet, the group leaders were able to immediately see information on the floor plan, whereabouts of people and smoke. This enabled a faster and more targeted rescue of people from the burning building. In a total of ten different exercise runs the IRiS technology could be tested in action.
Further information about the IRiS project: https://www.safetyinnovation.center/2018/05/intelligente-rettung-im-smarthome/
Image source: UPB