Together with the model regions, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to the digitization of communal administrations. At the “Roadshow Digital Model Regions and E-Government”, which took place on 1st October 2019 at the Heinz-Nixdorf-Forum in Paderborn, innovative projects on digital administration services were presented.
The event was introduced by District President Marianne Thomann-Stahl.
The electronic handling of application processes, an online application for resident parking cards at any time, the viewing of occupied parking spaces at the click of a mouse, as well as many other potentials for the digitalisation of services are within reach and will soon be accessible to citizens.
In order to enable these and many other advantages of digitisation for residents, a constant exchange of information with the municipalities in NRW is required in order to discuss details, explain projects and thus advance the future in the cities. INSPIRE, which is supported by the state and was presented as one of the many research projects at the event, was also present.
More information on the project can be found at: www.INSPIREprojekt.de
Image source: Stadt Paderborn