Since August 2019 the safety innovation center e.V. in cooperation with the City of Paderborn and the District of Paderborn as well as the partners University of Paderborn (C.I.K.), Symcon, Viafly and RTB has been involved in the development of the Integrated Safety Pilot Region (INSPIRE). The aim of the “Integrated Security Pilot Region” (INSPIRE) project is to integrate existing and new heterogeneous individual solutions (Smart Home/Building, person flow measurement, drones and social media) in the field of mission support for civil emergency response, thus enabling innovative applications for emergency forces and the population. A Pilot Operation will be established in Paderborn, which is expandable and can be transferred to other regions. On Friday, 6 September 2019, District President Marianne Thomann-Stahl presented the official funding decisions for the project, which is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Digitisation and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia within the framework of the Digital Model Region East Westphalia-Lippe, at the Historical City Hall in Paderborn.
Further information on the INSPIRE project can be found at https://www.safetyinnovation.center/2019/09/start-der-integrierten-sicherheits-pilot-region-inspire/ and on the project website www.INSPIREprojekt.de
Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH