On the second day of the working meeting, we welcomed not only the project partners from our EU-project LINKS, but also the partners from our national project INSPIRE, which is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIDE). The opportunity was taken to demonstrate the individual subprojects as well as the app of INSPIRE to the project partners from LINKS and to discuss upcoming questions in detail. After the explanation of the concept and the technical implementation, a practical presentation of the crowd flow measurement in a pedestrian zone of Paderborn followed. Likewise, automated reconnaissance by drone flights as well as an information acquisition (e.g. person detection) and interaction (e.g. door opening) via the SmartHome module were practically demonstrated in the context of a domestic fire scenario. Lastly, we presented the social media module and the resulting utilization and potentials for enriching situational awareness in crisis situations. The two projects met with great mutual interest. In particular, INSPIRE offered inspiration for the concrete implementation for some of the activities envisaged by the LINKS partners in the next project phase. Additionally, important feedback could be collected for the official INSPIRE-presentation of results on the following day. The event was concluded with a joint visit at the funfair Herbstlibori.
Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH