The safety innovation center has developed a Europe-wide survey on the use of social media and crowdsourcing in the field of civil security as part of the EU project LINKS. The aim of the survey is to gain insights into both the current use and future potentials of social media and crowdsourcing. Accordingly, the survey is aimed at agencies and organizations that are already actively using social media and/or crowdsourcing or are interested in doing so.
The responses will have a significant impact on further research activities and outcomes of the project. The survey will also help develop our online platform, the LINKS Community Center. On it, important information and guidance about social media and crowdsourcing in disasters will be collected and discussed by an active community. The LINKS Community Center is currently under development and can be accessed at LINKS Community Center.
Participation in the survey is open until February 28. Due to research activities in four different countries, the survey is available in Danish, Dutch, German, and Italian in addition to English. The survey can be accessed at the following links:
Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH